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We our motivated by the Biblical Vision of Shalom (Whole-Making Peace). We see this as existing when there are right-relations between fellow human beings, and between people and God.

Restorative Justice is a way to embody this biblical Vision in very practical ways. Through Restorative Justice practices, the community and its people can be empowered to manage their own conflicts. This can be done before further legal and/or political action may be needed.

Thus the community can become more involved in addressing her people’s own injustices and/or divided social interests. By doing so, the community and the State can work together for the welfare of the people they are committed to serving.


We specifically exist to encourage and assist the church in her mission of providing an invitation to, and an opportunity for, peacemaking (healing, restoration, forgiveness and reconciliation) in the conflict between victims and offenders of juvenile crime.

Updated 10/11/04 by Webmaster.

For information about VORP in Fresno today please contact:

Community Justice Center

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© 2021 Duane Ruth-Heffelbower